Home Etch Grinch file

Wayne J

Super Moderator
Staff member
Yes, the Grinch is available for home etch. ;) I have made several of them.
Attached is the .pdf of the trace transfer file. and a photo of the assembly. Note, there are a ton of jumper wires. If you are comfortable with 2 sided etching, then I have those files also.



  • grinch1b_156.pdf
    37.5 KB · Views: 970
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Thank's a lot, i'll go for the one side pcb, even its with more jumpers, but, a lot more easy to do, than the dubble side one, when you do it in the kitchen. Don't tell my wife :).

I'm kinda new i can solder a board but I lack in lingo. The jumpers you are talking about are they from holes drilled through the board and soldered?
Cliffiv said:
I'm kinda new i can solder a board but I lack in lingo. The jumpers you are talking about are they from holes drilled through the board and soldered?

In the picture, the traces in red, is point to point wires (jumpers) and yes, the board gets drilled for the wires as it does the componnents. :wink:
jmelvin said:
Wayne I noticed your schematic does not have the LED, power in plug and jumper as in the coop board.

That version was one of the first ones I did so they could be made for testing, and is the easiest to home etch. I bring power in on the RJ45. The power led is an option I didn't use at the time. Jumper?


If you would like the high end version....

the prototype without the power connector.

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Wayne, I would like the double sided file. I have done Dbl sided boards a few times. Though tricky to line up, it makes for a nicer looking board.

Here is the files for the traces and parts for the double sided Grinch in the above post. There are a bunch of 'vias' on this board. If you plan to etch one, study it closley. I put quite a few of them under the IC sockets, so they are not visible when completed.



  • grinch_he_v3_115.zip
    254.4 KB · Views: 473
Hi there, this is my first post here so please let me ramble for a moment.

I downloaded the file: grinch1b_156.pdf a while back and finally made the PCB, using Press-n-Peel,
I have all the parts (but it seems for a "newer version", and I am using the Allegro A6279EAT,
(Big thanks to the folks who suggested I ask for free samples!! And defiantly BIG thanks for all the info here and files!!!).

I found the "how to" for v10 but not the version I am using.

Here is the big question: where are the assembly instructions/steps for "this" file: grinch1b_156.pdf?
I'm just the type of person who needs the full instruction set so...
Please help.

In closing this is some of the coolest stuff I have ever found on the web!
Thanks to everyone, I love reading up on this subject and have jumped in
(though maybe a bit too far as I can't even figure out the easy board).

P.S. an FYI, the link on the "Start here if new to the grinch" page does not work any more.
Hey thanks for such a fast reply.
This link takes one to the newer version of the Grinch, it has the 'v10' in the
file name (grinch_controller_construction_notes_v10_490.pdf ) where the pdf
print I downloaded does not. The first part of that link talks about a first board:
"This was the first board made and using the GRINCH V1.0 PCB." and this what
I think I have.

Are there any assembly instructions (or a hi-def pic.) for this older version?

Thanks a million again for helping!
I was unaware that the photo had dissapeared. Here is a new one. As for assembly, the 'red' traces are 'point to point' wires.

This link takes one to the newer version of the Grinch, it has the 'v10' in the
file name (grinch_controller_construction_notes_v10_490.pdf ) where the pdf
print I downloaded does not. The first part of that link talks about a first board:
"This was the first board made and using the GRINCH V1.0 PCB." and this what
I think I have.

Are there any assembly instructions (or a hi-def pic.) for this older version?

Thanks a million again for helping!

Version 1.0 is the only version out there (I believe). The filename for the pdf probably couldn't support a . in the filename so you see V10 instead of V1.0

Check out the wiki pages for more info:




Do you have that Home-Etch Grinch file available in ExpressPCB format? If so, may I have a copy?

Hello again,
I looked at the links:

both appear to be different than the grinch1b_156.pdf
file I have, which is a one sided board.

The picture uploaded by Wayne J (Moderator) on this page
is what my pdf file looks like [with the angled green lines on
the Right side of the pic.]

So are there a, slot-a to tab-b, set of instructions for this
version? I notice no power or LED indicators for it and
by holes alone I'm not sure how to put it together.

Sorry to be a bother but I got a good etch on my board and
hate to waste my work. Also I'm not sure I could do a two
sided board, I made enough mistakes doing just the first
one. If I went with the newer version it would not be a
"home etch" I would need to find someone who makes the
board, in the U.S., and buy it.

Thank you so much for all of your help and input.
Sparky, there is no step by step instructions for the home etch version, but it is nearly identical to the board in the wiki. It uses the same parts ( minus the LED & resistor, the power connector, and two pin header) Have you ordered any parts?
Sorry to be a bother but I got a good etch on my board and
hate to waste my work. Also I'm not sure I could do a two
sided board, I made enough mistakes doing just the first
one. If I went with the newer version it would not be a
"home etch" I would need to find someone who makes the
board, in the U.S., and buy it.

Thank you so much for all of your help and input.

Sparky, Wjohn carries the Grinch board in stock (as well as ssr boards, REN16's etc), yes he is in Australia, but has been selling boards in the USA to members of the forum for 12 months or more.
Send him a pm, he will be able to help you out if you want.

You folks are just great at helping out!
I'm new to all this and TRUELY appreciate it.

As to parts...
I currently have all the parts for the NEW version of Grinch and
enough parts to build 8 of the mini SSR power controllers from
the how to here:
to go with it.

I did not catch the differences untill I etched the board and was
ready to start putting things together.

In the interm I have been getting to know VIXEN: an "A-W-S-0-M-E" program.
I've been having a lot of fun learing that while hatching my Christmas plans....