
The 2nd Wednesday of every month, some of us are meeting at Snuffy's Malt Shop on Valley View Rd in Edina. Meet at 11:30 am, order up one of Snuffy's awesome burgers, some fries and a malt and you're in business!!! Bring a prop or electronics or photos along or something you're working on to show if you want but soldering is not allowed as it clashes with the awesome aromas of the burgers and fries! All are welcome but be on time -- Snuffy's can get busy and it's a lot easier to eat if you're sitting down!!!

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Good to know, although the second Wednesday of this month has passed.

Do they have power outlets within reach of the tables?
I'm sure they do -- depending on which tables we decide to use. Snuffy's opens at 11am and it's first-come, first-served. Things are pretty open until about 11:45 or so....

I will also offer that these are fairly recent and there's no way to know who or whether others will show up. But a couple of us (Ernie and I) like the food anyway, so we've had good conversation just the same! And Snuffy's staff has been kind to us, so what the heck -- how can you go wrong with a burger, fries, onion rings and a malt?!?!?
Just a reminder to all who might want to come, a small group of us try to meet for lunch on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at Snuffy's Malt Shop on Valley View Road in Edina. Why Edina? Because nobody actually "lives" there -- one has to achieve Edina!!! :w00t: :eek:mg: :wink2:
Just a reminder to all who might want to come, a small group of us try to meet for lunch on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at Snuffy's Malt Shop on Valley View Road in Edina. Why Edina? Because nobody actually "lives" there -- one has to achieve Edina!!! :w00t: :eek:mg: :wink2:

Sorry I couldn’t make it this time! Fingers crossed for October!

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I finally made it today, it was great meeting Dirk and Ernie there.

Just a note - Valley View Road has construction going on to between Hwy 62 and Snuffy's, there is a slight detour needed.
It was great meeting Phil today at the monthly lunch -- and the burger & fries went down easy, too.... especially with that chocolate malt!!!

See everyone next month, same place, 2nd Wednesday of October....
Reminder -- the November lunch is Wednesday, 11/10, same place, same time. A couple folks have asked if it could be moved to Fridays -- let's talk about it on Wednesday!!!
The lunches are catching on!!! We had FOUR at our table today (ErnieHorning, P Short, GoodHumor and myself) In addition to the normal blinky-flashy talk, we decided to try the December lunch on the 2nd THURSDAY instead of the 2nd Wednesday. So now, the December lunch is scheduled for December 9th, 11:30 a.m. Same place, and we've been assured that Snuffy's will have space for us -- if you get there on time at 11:30. Apparently, Thursdays are one of their busier days for lunch....
Don't forget that the Minnesnowda lunch this week is THURSDAY, Dec 9th instead of Wednesday!!! Same place and time otherwise!!! See you there!!!
REMINDER - The Minnesnowda monthly lunch is this Thursday, Jan 13th at 11:30am, same place: Snuffy's Malt Shop in Edina on Valley View Rd.
Reminder... the February lunch is slated for this coming Thursday, Feb 10th. Same time, same place. I'm bringing one of the most dangerous blinky-flashy diagnostic tools on the planet, so you sure don't want to miss it! See you there!
Yet another reminder -- our monthly lunch is Thursday, March 10th - THIS WEEK!!! Same place, same time. Aloha. Be there. Book'em, Danno....
Sorry, guys -- I won't be able to attend the May lunch meeting (Thursday, May 12th).

One of my grandkids is in a spring concert at her school and you all know the 11th commandment: "Thou shalt not disappoint a grandchild."

So I'll be in northern Minnesnowda while you guys are hogging down the goods at Snuffys....
Yes, for the first time. It was that Ethernet controller that I discussed briefly in New Years Eve post in the Development section, as well as a PIC24 based pixel-driver board that goes with it.