Good day everyone!


New member
Hi there, I'm Paul from Ontario. After watching others have fun for the past three years, I finally decided to take the plunge into this hobby. I figured, why not dive into another expensive and complex interest, which seems to be a pattern for me (I'm also into R/C planes, saltwater fish, and public fireworks displays). This year, I plan to start small by making a wreath and snowflake as a proof of concept. I would greatly appreciate any tips or advice you might have. Thanks for saying hello!
i suggest you load both vixen 3 and xlights and learn how to make a simple sequence. then decide which is more intuitive for you and make that your sequencer of choice.

then purchase a raspberry pi and a pixel pi hat. load fpp on it and you are good to go for your first show. the hat will remain useful as your show gets larger and you start looking for more capable controllers to drive from the pi. that pi will remain with you even as your show expands beyond a million pixels.
Hey man, are you from GTA? One thing I found working in the Canadian Ontario (not the SoCal one) was that you need to avoid the situation where you need to work barehanded, outdoors, in the winter. Get all that work done before Thanksgiving. Pixels do go out (if you're doing pixels), and a pixel repair can easily require bare hands. But if you're already doing computer-controlled pyro at New Year's, then lighting should be a piece of cake for you.