Espixelstick V4 GPIO outputs


I'm using a ESP32 D1_Mini. I was looking at the platform definitions for this board and GPIO 5 is used for RMT_3 and the SD_Card_CS_PIN. Can these run together? If not can GPIO 16 be used for RMT_3 instead of RMT_4? I'm using an SD Card so GPIO 5 needs to stay there.
You can change the GPIO settings to whatever you need. I suggest you avoid using the TX and RX gpios since they are used by the usb interface.
I used GPIO 32 as one of the RMT outputs, this made the sd card say no files were on it. I changed it back to a different GPIO and all files on the sd card showed back up. I believe in my reading that GPIO 32 and 33 are the external xtail as default. I'm not a programmer so I don't know how to change this to be GPIO output. I could really use GPIO 32 and 33 if at all possible?? Also if I use FPP connect to load files to D1 mini and the D1 mini's web interface is open, it will only load a partial file. If the web face is not open the files will load completely 90% of the time.
Thank you for all your work on this and answer questions.
I forgot to say that I want to us GPIO 32 and 33 for relay outputs. Also how do I get ws2801 lights to run? I see they're on output 6 but when using the visualizer in xlights it says I can't use pixel port 6 if I try to put them on this port. The is also red in the visualizer. I'm using GPIO 15 and 25 as the platform definitions say.